Kryptonite Habits (5 Ways To Eliminate Bad Habits) habits kryptonite May 01, 2024

Kryptonite refers to the famous fictional substance that nullifies Superman’s power.

A kryptonite habit is a behaviour that makes us weaker.

These are the behaviours that you find yourself...

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Keystone Habits habits keystone Apr 01, 2024

A keystone habit is your ultimate self-care habit.

A keystone is a wedge-shaped stone piece at the top of an arch. It locks all the other stones into position, allowing the span to bear weight.


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Building You 2.0 app4that habits Mar 01, 2024

My role as a habits coach is to help support you on your personal transformation journey, starting from where you are today to the person you can become.

I call this transformation journey You 1.0...

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The 5 Pillars of Unstoppable Habits app4that habits Feb 01, 2024

Having personally installed over 100+ positive habits, developed two habit-tracking apps and coached others on how to install habits, I’ve learned a thing or two about the inner workings of...

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How To Add OOMPH To Your Outcomes goals Jan 01, 2024

Many people spend this time reflecting on the past 12 months and begin planning for the next year.

Sure, accomplishments and milestones are great.

And it’s important to take the time to...

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How To Become 25% Happier gratitude Dec 01, 2023

A regular gratitude practice is not just some self-help mumbo jumbo - it’s been scientifically proven to rewire our brains for happiness.

Studies have shown that people are 25% happier with a...

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Yes, News Addiction Is A Thing! anxiety mindfulness Nov 01, 2023

News addiction is a real thing.

Our brains love scanning the world for problems; every time we find one, our brain rewards us with a little squirt of dopamine.

Do this enough times, and voila, you...

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The Easiest Way To Calm Your Nervous System mindfulness Sep 30, 2023

Ever notice how you breathe when you are anxious?

My guess is that you are breathing through your mouth with short, shallow breaths.

Taking a long, deep breath through the nose is the easiest way...

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Motivation Is Fickle mindset Jul 30, 2023

When most people think about habits, they believe that the secret is motivation.

“If I were just more motivated, I would exercise more.”

The problem with this approach is that...

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The Status Quo Is Making You Unhealthier And Unhappier eating energy Jul 01, 2023

Let’s explore some shocking stats:

  • 50% of U.S. adults are diagnosed with a chronic illness.
  • 68% are overweight or obese.
  • 70% are taking at least one prescription drug. (For folks over 60,...
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The Emotional Bank Account relationships May 31, 2023

I was first introduced to the emotional bank account when reading The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey.

We are all familiar with a financial bank account.

Making regular...

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My Secret Weapon - Meditation 101 mindfulness May 15, 2023
“Suppose you read about a pill that you could take once a day to reduce anxiety and increase your contentment. Would you take it? Suppose further that the pill has a great variety of side...
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