I've personally installed over 100 positive habits and still going.
I'm on a mission to help others install one million positive habits.
Setting an example for those who matter most: My family, friends and clients.

HI ... I'M RON
- Husband.
- Father.
- Habits Coach.
- Anxiety Dragon Tamer.
- Recovering Self-Help Junkie.
- Mindfulness Practitioner.
- Lover of Wisdom.
- Technology Nerd.
- Certified Professional Coach (Adler Trained Coach).
- Certified Heroic Coach (Class V).
- Certified NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Trainer.
- Ericksonian Hypnosis Masters Certification.
- Personally Installed Over 100+ Mindful Habits.
- Creator of the Habits Coach App (Habit Tracker).
- Creator of the Anxiety Transformation Method.
- 25+ Years of Leadership and Management Experience.
- 31+ Years of Corporate Experience.
I was at an extremely low point when I started my habits journey.
I suffered from panic attacks, extreme anxiety and a classic case of imposter syndrome.
On top of this, my physical health was a mess, and I was doing unfulfilling work and struggling in my relationships.
Before starting my habits journey, I thought I was doing everything I was supposed to do.
I was focused on self-improvement, reading all the books, and setting SMART goals, and I upped my productivity to accomplish even more.
Yet, despite this, I was still feeling miserable.
At this low point, I realized that my current strategy wasn’t working.
And that the only way out was to rebuild my life strategy from the ground up.
So, a few years ago (the summer of 2015, to be exact), I began the gruelling process of rebuilding my life strategy, one mindful habit at a time.
I set a target for myself to install 100 mindful habits.
To move from theory to practice to mastery.
And in the summer of 2022, I installed my one-hundredth habit.
I’m excited to report that habits have transformed my life.
I haven’t had a panic attack in years.
At 56 years of age, I’m stronger and healthier than I’ve ever been in my entire life.
And my confidence continues to grow each and every day as I take on bigger and better challenges.
The photo below is from my first Spartan Race, a gruelling 5km race over rugged terrain and along the way, they throw in 20 obstacles just for fun!
For those of you who know me, it’s something I never thought I could do!
Along the way, I built two habit-tracking apps and recorded three seasons of the Mindful Habits podcast.
One of the key insights I discovered about crafting a life strategy is that it evolves.
It starts with laying a series of foundational habits to optimize every aspect of your life.
- Eating, moving and sleeping habits to heal and fuel your body.
- Meditation and reflective habits to optimize your mind and manage emotions.
- Connection habits to deepen your meaningful relationships.
- Money habits to secure your financial future.
- Prioritization and productivity habits to eliminate distractions, increase focus, and perform deep work.
Something profound happens as these habits reshape your identity.
- Your self-doubt drops away, and your confidence grows.
- You begin viewing habits as a way to develop the strengths required to overcome life’s challenges.
- Limiting beliefs no longer holds you back, as insurmountable challenges become minor setbacks.
- Extrinsic pursuits like money, looks, and likes transition into intrinsic fulfilment factors like personal growth, meaningful relationships, and a sense of curiosity and gratitude.
And your new identity begins to set an example for others to follow.
Like ripples in a pond, your mindful habits expand, impacting the people around you.
My current life strategy is focused on leveraging my strengths and feeding my passion for helping others through technology and personal development.
This has led me to my current mission of helping others install 1,000,000 mindful habits.
This is a crazy and audacious goal that I have dedicated the last third of my life to achieving.
And this goal is impossible for me to complete on my own.
I’ve completed the first step by recrafting my life strategy and personally installing over 100+ mindful habits.
In 2024, I completed my second goal of redesigning my habit-tracking app and releasing it into the wild.
My goal for 2025 is to help 100 people install 10 habits and hit the first milestone of one thousand habits.
My dream is that over the next five years, each positive habit will have an impact that extends beyond each of us.
To our spouses, children, friends, peers, teams and communities.
Until eventually, collectively, together, we reach 1,000,000 mindful habits!
I would be honoured to be your guide if you are ready to recraft your life strategy and install your first mindful habit.
Download the Habits Coach app.
And let’s get started.
Humbly yours,

"Your focus on compassionate curiosity is the next step in the evolution of effective leadership. I am grateful for the opportunity to see this happen in real-time. Fantastic program. Highly recommend."
Thomas G
"With every new lesson, I learn a simple technique that I can use when I need to disconnect negative feelings from something I am avoiding but need to accomplish. It's been really helpful getting obstacles out of my way faster."
Paul G